Joe & Gudi were born in Germany and moved to Canada in 1990.

Joe was a dental technician and Gudi was a draft person for most of their lives’.

They started to make jewelry as a hobby more than 30 years ago when they still lived in Holland.

In 2008 Joe enrolled at the College of Craft and Design in Fredericton, NB and became a juried member in 2010.

Late 2009 they opened their studio in their home but it was late 2012 when jewelry making became a full time job for Joe & Gudi.

In 2012 their studio became a juried member of the Nova Scotia craft council.

In September 2017 they opened their little shop S.A.S. (Sussex Artisans Shop) at the Ax centre (Art & Culture centre in Sussex )in collaboration with two more artisans from the Sussex area.

At the same time Joe started to work with “Bigger pebbles”,casted in Silicone Bronze. Regretfully, Joe was given a very unexpected diagnosis and 3 months of illness he passed away in early May of 2019.

Gudi is now running the studio TerraBijou by herself and would still like to call it "TerraBijou" Joe & Gudi Pach to keep Joe's legacy alive

Their company name “TerraBijou” means “earthy jewelry”, using local pebbles and rocks of the Bay of Fundy as well as Sterling Silver, Gold, Copper, Brass, Bronze and findings from travels around the world.

The studio runs partly on solar power to create their mostly “one of a kind” jewelry pieces.

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