Deborah Wybou
Deborah Wybou was born in Chatham, New Brunswick. She has lived across Canada as well as in the United States. In 1981, she moved back to the Maritimes and spent 10 years in Halifax before moving to Fredericton, where she still lives. She is both a jeweler and potter. Deborah Wybou has an MBA from UNB and while completing her math-based thesis for the MBA she began to dabble in jewelry design. During this time, a friend of Deborah’s jokingly said that her jewelry-making was not “anti-stress” rather it was “anti-thesis”; which led to the naming of her company as Antithesis Designs. From as early as 14, Deborah was a pottery lover but only started taking courses later in life (due to asthma). In 2014, she met with Karen Burk (then the head of the ceramics department at NBCCD) to take a glaze course. Karen convinced her to undertake the whole pottery program and she will be graduating in May 2016. Recently, Deborah had the wonderful opportunity to work with the federal government to create appreciation mugs.