Featured Artist: Ghita Levin
Name: Ghita Levin
Age: 58
Occupation: Potter
City/Neighborhood: Baie Verte
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.
Well I work in the studio and I work in the garden. Wood fire and stacking wood takes up a lot of my time and I travel in the winter, when I can.
Tell us a little bit about how you got started.
Going to NSCAD University and using to a studio in Sackville, after a couple years I set up a studio of my own.
Do you remember the first piece you’ve ever sold?
That would be in high school, I don’t remember the actual piece. I took a fine arts program and we had an end of the year sale.
What project are you working on right now?
Getting ready for wood fire in a couple weeks. I’ve made all the works now I need to take it all out and glaze it. I fire twice a year.
Where do you find ideas for your work these days?
Mostly nature, that’s what inspires me most… landscapes. That odd shaped bowl, a friend of mine went to a slot canyon in Arizona, she showed me some pictures and it inspired me to make those bowls. It’s always nature.
What’s your biggest art world pet peeve?
I have many …. (laughs) Maybe the top of list would be how you are expected to explain your work. Not only are you expected to make your work but you are expected to explain your ideas, and the two are completely different things.
What is your motto?
Be honest.
Do you collect anything?
Art. Just what catches my eye.
What do you most value in your friends?
Honesty and a good sense of humor.
What is your most treasured possession?
This property!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Making a living!
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
This property.
Where can we find more about you?
My website: ghitalevinpottery.ca
See our video of our visit with Ghita here!